Pokemon TCG Surging Sparks Prereleases – 10/26, 10/27, 11/2, & 11/3 at Alternate Universes

September 24th, 2024

Pokemon Surging Sparks Prereleases at Alternate Universes

Pokémon TCG Surging Sparks Prerelease Tournaments
Sat. 10/26 & Sat. 11/2 @ AU Holmes
Sat. 10/26 & Sun. 11/3 @ AU Blue Bell
Sun. 10/27 & Sun. 11/3 @ AU Wilmington

***There are a limited number of spots at each event!***
Preregister online using the links below!

Preregister at AU Holmes 10/26
Preregister at AU Holmes 11/2

Preregister at AU Blue Bell 10/26 (1 pm)
Preregister at AU Blue Bell 10/26 (4 pm)
Preregister at AU Blue Bell 11/3

Preregister at AU Wilmington 10/27
Preregister at AU Wilmington 11/3

We’re holding Pokemon TCG Prerelease Tournaments for Scarlet & Violet: Surging Sparks, the latest set in a brand new series of Pokemon TCG expansions! Join us October 26th and November 2nd at AU Holmes; October 26th and November 3rd at AU Blue Bell; and October 27th and November 3rd at AU Wilmington!

Pokemon Prereleases are non-competitive tournaments open to all ages. As a thank-you for playing in our Prerelease Tournaments, each player gets an additional 3 Surging Sparks booster packs when they are done playing in the event!

Entry: $30
For entering, each player gets a Surging Sparks Build & Battle Box to build a deck and play for 3 rounds.

Alternate Universes Holmes

Saturday, Oct. 26th
Deckbuilding begins: 2 pm

Saturday, Nov. 2nd
Deckbuilding begins: 2 pm

Alternate Universes Blue Bell

Saturday, Oct. 26th
Flight 1 – Deckbuilding begins: 1 pm
Flight 2 – Deckbuilding begins: 4 pm

Sunday, Nov. 3rd
Deckbuilding begins: 2 pm

Alternate Universes Wilmington

Sunday, Oct. 27th
Deckbuilding begins: 1 pm

Sunday, Nov. 3rd
Deckbuilding begins: 1 pm

Each Surging Sparks Build & Battle Box includes:
4x Surging Sparks booster packs
A 40-card ready-to-play deck, including 1 of 4 unique foil promo cards
A code card for Pokémon TCG Live

As a thank-you for entering one of our Prerelease Tournaments, you’ll also get 3 BONUS Surging Sparks booster packs just for playing in the event, for a total of 7 Surging Sparks packs!

Don’t miss your chance to get the next expansion of Pokemon cards before the set’s official release at AU on November 4th!