Weekly Event Schedule As of July 2024

WEEKLY EVENTSSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Holmes1 pm
2 pm
6 pm
D&D Night
7 pm
Star Wars Unlimited
7 pm
6 pm
MTG Commander
6 pm
Warhammer 40K
7 pm
One Piece TCG Tournament
7 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
7 pm
MTG Standard Showdown
6 pm
MTG Commander FNM
6 pm
Lorcana League
7 pm
MTG Modern FNM
7 pm
Lorcana Tournament
1 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
2 pm
Pokemon League
Blue Bell12:30 pm
Pokemon League
1 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
6 pm
Warhammer 40K
7 pm
MTG Modern Mondays
7 pm
One Piece Tournament
6 pm
MTG Commander
7 pm
7 pm
Board Game Night
7 pm
Grand Archive Tournament
7 PM
MTG Standard Showdown
7 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
7 pm
Shadowverse: Evolve Tournament
7 pm
Star Wars Unlimited
6 PM Lorcana League
7 pm
7 PM Lorcana Tournament
7 pm
Dragon Ball Super
7 pm
Flesh and Blood TCG
6 pm
MTG Commander
7 pm
7 pm
MTG FNM Legacy
Special Event Day
Pokemon League-Style Play
7 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
7 pm
Digimon Card Game
1 pm
MTG Standard Showdown
6 pm
Warhammer 40K
6 pm
7 pm
Flesh and Blood TCG
7 pm
One Piece Tournament
6 pm
MTG Commander
6 pm Lorcana League
7 pm
MTG Draft
7 pm
Lorcana Tournament
7 pm
One Piece TCG Tournament
7 pm
MTG Modern
6 pm
MTG Commander
7 pm
7 pm
Star Wars Unlimited
Special Event Day


Weekday events will be 3 rounds regardless of the number of players.
Weekend events will be 4 rounds as long as 10 or more people enter (otherwise 3 rounds)

We no longer have playoffs for weekly events. Instead, at the end of the tournament, each player gets a prize based on their win – loss – draw record.

This allows us to keep our weekly tournaments short and sweet, while still offering fair prizes regardless of the number of players in attendance. For example, if we run a weekday tournament with 30 players in attendance, we could expect about 4 players to earn the 3 – 0 prize payout, and about 11 players to earn the 2 – 1 prize payout. The event stays only three rounds, and everyone gets to go home at a reasonable hour!

Yu-Gi-Oh! weekly tournaments are the exception, since Konami requires Official Tournament Stores such as ourselves to award booster pack prizes and not store credit.

Weekday Tournaments (except Yugioh) – 3 rounds
Entry: $10 cash / $15 store credit

3 – 0: $40 store credit
2 – 0 – 1: $30 store credit
2 – 1: $20 store credit

Yu-Gi-Oh! Weekday Tournaments – 3 rounds
Entry: $10 cash / $15 store credit

3 – 0: 7 $4.50 Yugioh packs
2 – 1: 3 $4.50 Yugioh packs

MTG Drafts – 3 rounds
Entry: $25 cash / $30 store credit

3 – 0: $50 store credit
2 – 0 – 1: $37.50 store credit
2 – 1: $25 store credit
All other records: 1 booster of the set being drafted

Weekend Tournaments (except Yugioh) – 4 rounds
Entry: $10 cash / $15 store credit

4 – 0: $50 store credit
3 – 0 – 1: $37.50 store credit
3 – 1: $25 store credit
2 – 1 – 1: $17.50 store credit
2 – 2: $10 store credit

Yu-Gi-Oh! Weekend Tournaments – 4 rounds
Entry: $10 cash / $15 store credit

4 – 0: 10x $4.50 Yugioh packs
3 – 1: 5x $4.50 Yugioh packs