Alternate Universes Blue Bell

Blue Bell (East Norriton) Store Hours

Sunday: Noon to 6:00 PM
Mon – Thurs: Noon to 10:00 PM
Friday: Noon to 11:00 PM
Saturday: Noon to 9:00 PM

Penn Square Shopping Center
213 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Get directions to AU Blue Bell on Google Maps

What You’ll Find Here

Magic: The GatheringPokemon Trading Card GameYu-Gi-Oh Trading Card GameDisney's Lorcana Trading Card GameOne Piece Trading Card GameDungeons and Dragons
Magic SinglesPokemon SinglesYugioh SinglesLorcana SinglesOne Piece SinglesWarhammer 40k
Cardfight VanguardFlesh and Blood Card GameDragon Ball Super Trading Card GameDigimon Trading Card GameNeopets Trading Card GameGrand Archive Trading Card Game
Altered TCGCard SleevesShadowverse Trading Card GamePokemon Plushes Deck BoxesPaint
Top LoadersCardboard BoxesElestralsBoard GamesStar Wars: Unlimited Card GameBinders

We Buy Your Cards!

We are always buying! Stop by anytime, or call to set up an appointment to bring in your cards!

Click here to learn more!

Weekly Events

12:30 pm
Pokemon League
1 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
2 pm Elestrals Tournament
6 pm
Warhammer 40K
7 pm
MTG Modern Mondays
7 pm
One Piece Tournament
6 pm
Board Game Night
6:30 pm
MTG Commander
7 pm
7 pm
Grand Archive
7 pm
MTG Standard Showdown
7 pm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced format
7 pm
Star Wars Unlimited
6 pm
Lorcana League
6:30 pm
7 pm
Lorcana Tournament
7 pm
Dragon Ball Super
7 pm
Flesh and Blood TCG
6 pm
MTG Commander FNM
7 pm
7 pm
MTG FNM Legacy (uses the weekend tournament structure)
Special Event Day

Upcoming Special Events

Gundam Card Game Demo Events – 4/12 & 4/13 at Alternate Universes

Gundam TCG Demo Events Sat. 4/12 @ AU Blue Bell & AU Wilmington, Sun. 4/13 @ AU Holmes

Gundam Card Game
Demo Events
Sat. 4/12 @ AU Blue Bell & AU Wilmington
Sun. 4/13 @ AU Holmes

***There is a 16-player limit at each event!***
Preregister today using the links below! Registering in the Bandai app will NOT guarantee your spot!

Preregister at AU Blue Bell 4/12
Preregister at AU Wilmington 4/12
Preregister at AU Holmes 4/13

We’re holding Gundam Card Game Demo Events on Saturday, April 12th at AU Blue Bell & AU Wilmington, and on Sunday, April 13th at AU Holmes! Everyone who enters gets a Gundam TCG demo deck and $10 store credit!

This event is perfect for new players curious about the upcoming Gundam TCG! Each player gets one Gundam TCG Demo Deck to learn to play at the event alongside other players! This event is casual, meaning there is no tournament!

Entry: $10

Format: Casual

Sat. 4/12
Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
211 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Registration opens: 12:30 pm
Tournament begins: 1 pm

Sat. 4/12
Alternate Universes Wilmington
Talleyville Shopping Center
3617 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

Registration opens: 12:30 pm
Tournament begins: 1 pm

Sun. 4/13
Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Registration opens: 12:30 pm
Tournament begins: 1 pm

Alternate Universes Blue Bell’s NEW Location – 1510 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA

A sign posted in a window on top of a "For Lease" sign says "Coming Soon" followed by the Alternate Universes Logo, then "Opening April 10, 2025. The address is below: 1510 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Announcing Alternate Universes Blue Bell’s NEW location!
Come see us Thursday, April 10th 2025!

Just a 5-minute drive away from our previous location, this new store is bigger, better, has more parking, and is right across the parking lot from our original location!

AU Blue Bell version 3.0 opens Thursday, April 10th! AU Blue Bell 2.0 will be closed for three days prior to this to allow for the move!

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm PREORDERS at Alternate Universes

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Preorders Open NOW at Alternate Universes

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Preorders
Open NOW at Alternate Universes
Stop by AU or call with your card to pre-order!

Magic: the Gathering Tarkir: Dragonstorm Pre-Orders are now open at Alternate Universes!
All preorders can be picked up at the start of the Prerelease on Friday, April 4th!

Take advantage of our preorder discounts! Last day to preorder is Thursday, April 3rd!

This set features the new Play Booster Packs and Boxes! Play Booster packs combine the best of both Set and Draft boosters, and will be replacing both going forward.

Each Play Booster Box and Collector Booster Box you preorder come with the exclusive Buy-A-Box Promo!

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Preorders

Play Booster Box // $119.99
Collector Box // $274.99
Bundle // $44.99
Set of 5 Commander Decks // $199.99
Prerelease Pack // $34.99

Tarkir: Dragonstorm SEALED Prerelease Tournaments are Apr. 4th-6th!

Stop by or call Alternate Universes to preorder today!

MTG Aetherdrift Store Championships – 3/22, 3/29 & 3/30 at Alternate Universes

MTG Aetherdrift Store Championships at Alternate Universes

Magic: The Gathering
Aetherdrift Store Championships
Saturday, March 22nd @ AU Wilmington
Saturday, March 29th @ AU Blue Bell
Sunday, March 30th @ AU Holmes

We’re holding Magic: the Gathering Store Championships! Saturday, March 22nd at AU Wilmington, Saturday, March 29th at AU Blue Bell, and Sunday, March 30th at AU Holmes. Represent AU by becoming one of our MTG Store Champions! The format this time around is Standard!

Thanks to our WPN Premium Store status, the Top 8 and 1st Place players both win copies of their respective promos with our store name printed on them, on top of the normal Top 8 and Winner promos! $20 store credit will be added to the prize pool per player!

Format: Standard, Swiss-style, with a Top Cut playoff if we reach 10 or more players!

Entry: $20
Each player gets a promo Deep-Cavern Bat for entering.

Saturday, March 22nd
Alternate Universes Wilmington
Registration opens: Noon
Tournament begins: 1 pm

Saturday, March 29th
Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Registration opens: Noon
Tournament begins: 1 pm

Sunday, March 30th
Alternate Universes Holmes
Registration opens: Noon
Tournament begins: 1 pm


We’re adding $20 store credit to the prize pool for each player who enters.
When we reach 16 players, the Top 8 players will win store credit.
If we have 15 or fewer players, only the Top 4 players will win store credit. (Top 8 and Champions will win both copies of their promos regardless of the number of players)

Each player who enters gets a promo Deep-Cavern Bat!
Top 8 Promos: Preacher of the Schism, AND a Preacher of the Schism with our store name printed on it!
Champion Promos: full-art promo Virtue of Persistence, AND a Virtue of Persistence with our store name printed on it!

MTG Aetherdrift Store Championship Promos


Digimon Card Game New Player Starter Deck Event – Sat. 3/29 at AU Blue Bell

Digimon Card Game New Player Starter Deck Event Saturday, March 29th at AU Blue Bell

Digimon Card Game
New Player Starter Deck Event
Sat. March 29th @ AU Blue Bell

We’re holding Digimon Card Game New Player Starter Deck Events on Saturday, March 29th at Alternate Universes Blue Bell! This event is designed to help those who are new to Digimon get started playing!

Each player gets either the Fable Waltz or Guardian Vortex Starter Deck to use at the event. If you go 3-0 you win the deck you didn’t use! We will demo the game to anyone who wants to learn before the event starts. Entry is $10, but these decks normally sell for $15.99, so no matter what you are getting a deal if you play!

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
211 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Entry: $10
Each player gets either the Fable Waltz or Guardian Vortex Starter Deck to use during the event.

Format: Starter Deck Sealed, Swiss, 3 rounds

Registration opens: 1 pm
Tournament starts: 2 pm

Players who win all 3 of their rounds win the starter deck they didn’t use!

Pokemon TCG League Challenges – March 13th, 29th & 30th at AU

Pokemon TCG League Challenges

Thursday, March 13th at AU Blue Bell
Saturday, March 29th at AU Holmes
Sunday, March 30th at AU Wilmington

We’re holding  Pokemon TCG League Challenges at Alternate Universes Blue Bell on Thursday, March 13th, at Alternate Universes Holmes on Saturday, March 29th, and at Alternate Universes Wilmington on Sunday, March 30th! League Challenges are the lowest level of Pokemon TCG Championship Series Events, wherein players of any skill level vie to earn Championship Points. Once a player has earned enough Championship Points, they qualify for the Pokemon TCG World Championships!

On top of Championship Points, players at our League Challenge will also win store credit based on overall attendance! Store credit is redeemable at any of our three locations


Thurs. March 13th

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
211 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Registration opens: 5:30 pm
Tournament starts: 6:30 pm

Sat. March 29th

Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Registration opens: 1 pm
Tournament begins: 2 pm

Sun. March 30th

Alternate Universes Wilmington
Talleyville Shopping Center
3617 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

Registration opens: Noon
Tournament starts: 1 pm

Entry fee: $10

Format: Standard
Swiss style; best-of-1 matches; 30-minute rounds; no Top Cut; the number of rounds will be determined by overall attendance.

On top of Championship Points, top finishers will win store credit based on overall attendance! Store credit is awarded on an AU gift card, and is redeemable at any AU location.

Placement – Championship Points – Kicker (# of participants)
1st – 15 – 0
2nd – 12 – 0
3rd & 4th – 10 – 0
5th-8th – 8 – 21
9th-16th – 6 – 48
17th-32nd – 4 – 80

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm SEALED Prereleases – April 4th-6th at AU

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Prereleases at Alternate Universes
MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm
SEALED Prerelease Tournaments
April 4th-6th at Alternate Universes

We’re holding Magic: the Gathering Tarkir: Dragonstorm SEALED Prerelease tournaments April 4th-6th at all three of our stores!

Super Saver Prereleases Return for Tarkir: Dragonstorm!

Super Saver Prereleases at AU Holmes and AU Wilmington feature discounted $25 entry fees along with a different prize structure! This means for $25 you will get at least 7 Tarkir: Dragonstorm Booster Packs: 6 from your Prerelease Pack and at least 1 pack from prizing. That’s like paying $3.50 per pack! All of our Blue Bell prereleases will stay the same, with normal entry and prize payouts. See the prize structure at the bottom of this post!

All Prerelease tournaments are 3 rounds. At the tournament start time, each player is given a Prerelease Pack to build a deck and then play for 3 rounds. Prizes can be collected after Round 3. Lands will be provided for free at the event!

Format: Sealed Deck

Each player gets one Tarkir: Dragonstorm Prerelease Pack to use to build a 40+ card deck and play for 3 rounds. Each one contains:

  • 1 Tarkir: Dragonstorm Seeded Booster
    • 14 clan-aligned cards including 1 Traditional Foil Rare or Mythic Rare
  • 5 Tarkir: Dragonstorm Play Boosters
  • 1 Traditional Foil Rare or Mythic Rare
  • 1 clan-aligned deck box
  • 1 clan-aligned Spindown die

To play in official MTG events, you’ll need a Wizards Account email. It’s easy and free!
Login with your Magic Arena account, link your DCI number to an account, or make a new account here:

🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️

Once you set up your account, try downloading the Magic Companion App, where you can check-in to the tournament you’re entering, enter results and see pairings on your phone, and more!

Entry fee: $40 ($45 store credit)

SEALED 2-Headed Giant: $80 per team (+$5 for each player when using store credit)

Super Saver Prereleases (Holmes & Wilmington only): $25 ($30 store credit)
See Super Saver prize structure at the bottom of this post!

AU Holmes

Friday, Apr. 4th
3:00 pm
7:00 pm

Saturday, Apr. 5th
2:00 pm – Super Saver!
6:00 pm – Super Saver!

Sunday, Apr. 6th
Noon – Super Saver!

AU Blue Bell

Friday, Apr. 4th
3:00 pm
7:00 pm

Saturday, Apr. 5th
Noon (Two-Headed Giant)
5:00 pm

Sunday, Apr. 6th

AU Wilmington

Friday, Apr. 4th
3:00 pm
7:00 pm

Saturday, Apr. 5th
1:00 pm – Super Saver!
5:00 pm – Super Saver!

Sunday, Apr. 6th
Noon – Super Saver!


Tarkir: Dragonstorm Play Booster Packs are awarded based on your tournament record after 3 rounds.

3-0: 10 Play Boosters or $50 credit
2-0-1: 8 Play Boosters or $40 credit
2-1: 6 Play Boosters or $30 credit
1-2: 3 Play Boosters or $15 credit
All other records get 1 Play Booster pack

2-Headed Giant prizes are doubled and awarded per-team.


3-0: 4 Play Boosters or $20 credit
2-1: 2 Play Boosters or $10 credit
1 or fewer wins: 1 Play Booster Pack

Cardfight!! Vanguard Day – 4/5 & 4/13 at Alternate Universes

Cardfight!! Vanguard Day April 2025 4/5 at AU Blue Bell and 4/13 at AU Holmes

Vanguard Day April 2025
Sat. 4/5 @ AU Blue Bell
Sun. 4/13 @ AU Holmes

We’re holding Vanguard Day tournaments on Saturday 4/5 at Alternate Universes Blue Bell and Sunday 4/13 at Alternate Universes Holmes!

The Champion of each event will win an exclusive Vanguard Day playmat! Top finishers will win store credit based on overall attendance, with $15 added to the prize pool per player.

Entry: $15
Each player gets one D-PR/743EN Energy participation promo for entering.

Format: Standard, Swiss, Individual, Best-of-1 matches, Top Cut playoffs

Number of rounds will be based on the overall number of players.

Saturday, April 5th
Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
213 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Sunday, April 13th
Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Registration opens: 1 pm
Tournament starts: 2 pm

1st Place wins a Vanguard Day Champion Playmat!
Top players will win store credit based on overall attendance, with $15 credit added to the prize pool per player

One Piece Store Championships – 4/6, 4/19 & 4/26 at AU

One Piece Card Game Store Championships at Alternate Universes

One Piece Card Game
Store Championships
Sun. 4/6 @ AU Holmes
Sat. 4/19 @ AU Wilmington
Sat. 4/26 @ AU Blue Bell

We’re holding One Piece Card Game Store Championships (formerly Regionals) on Sunday, April 6th at AU Holmes; Saturday, April 19th at AU Wilmington; and Saturday, April 26th at AU Blue Bell! This event brings the excitement, prestige, and prizing of a Regional to select local gaming stores like ours! Players will compete to earn invites to the Championship Finals on top of other prizes!

If you are not at the store and registered by 11:45 am sharp we will give your spot to another player!

We will be doing a lottery for any spots not used before the start of the event. The priority for spots goes like this:

> Waitlist players get first priority for spots (the waitlist is handled in the Bandai app)
> Unsuccessful players get 2nd Priority
> Players who did not apply for the event to play get 3rd priority


Registration for this event is being handled through the BANDAI TCG+ app. To enter this event, players MUST sign up for it in the BANDAI TCG+ app.

AU Holmes: 32-player limit
AU Wilmington: 64-player limit
AU Blue Bell: 64-player limit

There is a player limit on this event at each store; Bandai will select and notify registrants through random lottery to be eligible to play. We have no say in who will be eligible to play.

We will be raffling off any leftover spots and no-show spots to players who show up the day-of. Any players who are selected to play must pay in-store on the day of the event. We’re unable to take preregistration for this event.

Entry: $25
Each player gets 3 One Piece packs for entering

Format: Best-of-1 matches, no Top Cut, 32 or 64-player limit (depending on store)

Registration: 11 am–11:45 am
Tournament begins: Noon
Please arrive early to check-in and pay for your entry!
If you do not arrive and register by 11:45 am we will lottery your slot to another player.

Top finishers will win invites to the Championship Finals based on the number of participants.
A max of 2 invites will be awarded at AU Holmes and a max of 4 each at AU Blue Bell & AU Wilmington.

1st Place: Regional 25-26 Season 1 Alt-Art Card (B) x1
Top 2: Offline Regional Finalist Card Set 25-26 Season 1 x1
Top 4: Event Pack Vol. 6 x1
Top 8: Promotion Sleeve Premium Matte –Sanji- x1 pack, Event Pack Vol. 6 x1
Participation: 3 One Piece Packs (Pack will depend on what Bandai sends up)

Invites will be awarded based on the number of participants:

  • 1 – 23 participants: 1 Invite
  • 24 – 47 participants: 2 Invites
  • 48 – 64 participants: 4 Invites

Warhammer 40K April Rogue Trader Tournament – Sat. April 12th @ AU Blue Bell

Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Tournament Sat. April 12th at Alternate Universes

Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Tournament (RTT)
Sat. April 12th @ Alternate Universes Blue Bell

We’re holding a Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Tournament on Saturday, April 12th at Alternate Universes Blue Bell!

Click here for the Best Coast Pairings event page:

If you have any questions, please contact Jack or Craig in the AU Discord server:

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
213 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Arrival time: 9am
Dice start rolling: 10am

Fee: $20.00

Maximum Attendance: 24 Players

Format: 2000 Point Matched Play with Latest GW FAQs

Mission Pack:
Three missions selected from the current Games Workshop Grand Tournament packet.

Tournament Missions:
(Will be listed approximately 7 days prior to the event.)

Codex / Publication Eligibility:
Publications must have been generally available (not pre-order date) at least two full weeks prior to the start of the event.
All updates, FAQ’s and data slates are enforced from the date of publication/release.

Army list: must be submitted for review (via Best coast pairings) within 24hrs of the event. Failure to load your roster will result in penalties in accordance the ITC standards.

Click here for the Best Coast Pairings event page:

Required Materials to Bring:
Your army
Your Codex, supplements, or additional rule books
A copy of the Games Workshop Grand Tournament Handbook
Tape Measure
Chess clock (if you plan to request one)
Your list should be in either a third party or GW App format

Chess Clock Standard:
Chess clocks are allowed for use to provide equitable time for both players to finish all five rounds of the game.

We follow ITC Open Source Guidelines for chess clock use:

In brief:

If one player wishes to use a chess clock, then both players must use the chess clock.

No player may pause the clock once it has been started. Only a TO or Judge may pause a clock.

Each player is responsible for their own time.

If a player runs out of time they may only perform the following actions:

Make saving throws or leadership checks.

Score objectives that were already achieved

Painting Standard:
Events will be scored out of a total of 90 points. There will not be 10 points awarded for painting.

Round Timing:
There will be 3 hours and 15 minutes allotted for each round. Please use the following guidelines for battle round timing:

15 Minutes Total for Secondary Selection, Game Setup and Deployment

45 Minutes Total For Battle Round 1

30 Minutes Total For Battle Round 2

30 Minutes Total For Battle Round 3

30 Minutes Total For Battle Round 4

45 Minutes Total For Battle Round 5

Proxy, Counts-as, Third Party Models Standard (including 3d Printed models):
All proxies, counts-as, conversions, third-party models or 3d printed models must be approved in advance by a Tournament Organizer.

Please submit your models via email for approval no later than 48 hours within the start of the event. This is to ensure if there is adequate time for a t.o. discuss your “models” with you.

Code of Conduct

It is our goal to ensure that the gaming experience at Alternate Universes is fun for everyone, be it veteran gamers or a novice’s first foray into gaming. To that end here are our ground rules that we think will allow everyone the best chance to get the most from our event(s).

In addition:

1. Be Respectful of Everyone
Make sure to respect all players/T.O.’s, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

2. Make Sure Everyone Has a Good Experience
This is a game that we are playing. It should be fun, none of us are keen on losing but it’s part of the nature of the game. As much as possible be a grateful winner and a courteous loser.

3. Keep it Friendly
Games are meant to be fun.

4. Don’t Cheat During Games
We all make mistakes with the rules, which should be corrected as quickly as possible. But CHEATING is not ok and may get you banned from future store events.

5. Try Not to Get Worked Up
In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to say things that we might not mean. However aggressive, abusing, or violent behavior will not be tolerated in any way.

Any unsportsmanlike conduct will be handled appropriately, up to and including removal from the event without a refund, a temporary ban on attending events at all locations, or in egregious cases a permanent ban from all events.

Once the event fills up, please contact us and we will add you to the waiting list!

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Commander Parties – Friday, April 18th at Alternate Universes

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Commander Parties Fri. 4/18 at Alternate Universes

MTG Tarkir: Dragonstorm Commander Parties
Friday, April 18th @ All 3 Stores!

Commander Parties are fun, FREE Commander format events where you will get to experience a narrative while you play, influence the story’s outcome via your games, and/or have your games influenced by the story.

For Tarkir: Dragonstorm, players will be grouped into pods of about four.

AND, since we are a Wizards Premium Store, each player who participates gets a FOIL alt-art Dragonspeaker Shaman!

Players can play any commander deck they would like for this event! You are not restricted to Tarkir: Dragonstorm commanders!

These events will each be 2 hours long.

Entry Fee: FREE!

Registration opens: 6:30 pm
Play begins: 7:30 pm

Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Whitpain Shopping Center
1510 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Alternate Universes Wilmington
Talleyville Shopping Center
3617 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

Dragonspeaker Shaman alternate art MTG Commander Party promo card

Cardfight!! Vanguard Regalis Cup – April 19th at AU Blue Bell

Cardfight!! Vanguard Regalis Cup Saturday, April 19th at AU Blue Bell

Cardfight!! Vanguard Regalis Cup
Saturday, April 19th @ AU Blue Bell

We’re holding Cardfight!! Vanguard Regalis Cup tournament Saturday, April 19th at Alternate Universes Blue Bell! We are one of only 50 stores worldwide chosen to host this tournament!

In addition to the prizes supplied by Bushiroad, we’re adding $15 store credit to the prize pool per player to be awarded to the top finishers!

Players are allowed to use cards from all products in their Ride Deck, Main Deck, and G Deck. However, players may only ride the following grade 3 or greater cards:

  • Any grade 3 unit from DZ-BT06
  • Purgatory Dragon Deity, Favrneel
  • Scarlet Flame Marshal Dragon, Gandeeva
  • Great Sage of Heavenly Law, Solrairon
  • Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion
  • Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Whitpain Shopping Center
1510 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Registration opens: Noon
Tournament begins: 1 pm

Entry: $15
Each player gets one April 2024 Monthly Tournament Promo Pack for entering.

Format: Standard, Swiss, Individual, Best-of-1 matches, Top Cut playoffs

Number of rounds will be based on the overall number of players.

1st Place: Cardfight!! Vanguard 10th Anniversary Playmat
Top 8: store credit based on attendance, with $15 credit per player added to the prize pool

Digimon Card Game BT21 World Convergence SEALED Prereleases – Sat. 4/19 at AU

Digimon Card Game BT21 Release Events Sat. 4/19 at Alternate Universes

Digimon BT-21 World Convergence
SEALED Release Events
Saturday, April 19th @ Alternate Universes

We’re holding Digimon Card Game BT-21: World Convergence SEALED Release Events on Saturday, April 19th at all three stores!

In the Sealed format, you get 6 booster packs of the upcoming set to use to build your deck and compete! For entering, each player gets a World Convergence Release Event Pack containing 2 of 48 cards, plus an Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode Ace participation promo! Each player who goes 3-0 gets an Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode Ace Holographic Textured Foil winner promo! Players will also win BT21 booster packs based on their overall record after 3 rounds.


Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Whitpain Shopping Center
1510 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Alternate Universes Wilmington
Talleyville Shopping Center
3617 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

Entry fee: $35

Registration opens: 1 pm
Tournament starts: 2 pm

Format: SEALED, Swiss-Style, maximum of 3 rounds
Each player receives 6 packs of the new set to use to build a 40 card deck and a 0-5 card Digi-Egg deck. Deckbuilding will be 45 minutes, followed by 3 rounds of swiss.

Click here for important info on the Sealed format:

3 – 0: 6 packs
2 – 1: 4 Packs
1 – 2: 2 packs
0 – 3: 1 pack

MTG Modern RCQs Season 4, Round 1 Schedule at Alternate Universes – April-July 2025

MTG Modern RCQs Season 4 Round 1, April-July 2025 at Alternate Universes

Magic: the Gathering
MODERN Regional Championship Qualifiers
April 12th–July 12th, 2025

Sat. 4/12 @ AU Wilmington
Sat. 5/3 @ AU Wilmington
Sat. 5/10 @ AU Holmes
Sat. 5/17 @ AU Blue Bell
Sat. 6/14 @ AU Blue Bell
Sat. 6/21 @ AU Wilmington
Sun. 6/29 @ AU Holmes
Sat. 7/5 @ AU Blue Bell
Sat. 7/12 @ AU Holmes

***There is a 64 player cap on each event.***
✅ Pre-registration is open NOW!
Click one of the links above to preregister online, or stop by your local AU! ✅

We’re holding Magic: the Gathering Modern RCQs for the Season 4, Round 1 season of RCQs, which all support the TWO Regional Championships taking place October-November 2025! Thanks to our WPN Premium Store status, we are able to award 2 invites to the next Magic Regional Championships at each of our RCQs!

Magic Regional Championship Qualifiers are open to everyone, and are a player’s first step down the road of competitive Magic. RCQs qualify players for Regional Championships, which in turn qualify players for the Pro Tour and the Magic World Championship.

Each player gets a Secret Lair promo Prosperous Innkeeper for entering! Top 16 finishers get a Secret Lair promo Fauna Shaman, and each player who qualifies for the Regional Championship gets a FOIL Fauna Shaman! Both of these promos feature BRAND NEW ART! These promos are in addition to store credit and invite prizes.

Format: MODERN

Entry: $30

Pre-registration is open NOW! Click one of the links above or stop by your local AU to preregister!
Pre-registration is NOT necessary to play, though it is the only way to guarantee your spot!

Registration opens: 11 am
Tournament begins: Noon

Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Whitpain Shopping Center
1510 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Alternate Universes Wilmington
Talleyville Shopping Center
3617 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

1st Place: Invite to Regional Championship, at least $150 store credit, FOIL Secret Lair Fauna Shaman promo
2nd Place: Invite to Regional Championship, at least $150 store credit, FOIL Secret Lair Fauna Shaman promo
3rd & 4th Place: at least $100 store credit each, Secret Lair Fauna Shaman promo
5th–8th Place: at least $50 store credit each, Secret Lair Fauna Shaman promo
9th-16th Place: Secret Lair Fauna Shaman promo

PRIZE SCALING: When we reach 32 players, we will add $30 store credit to the Top 8 prize pool for each additional player! For example, if we get 45 players total, we will add $390 store credit to the prize pool.

Store credit prizes are guaranteed for 17 or more players.

Alternate Universes Store Hours, Weekly Schedule, and Tournament Prize Structures!

Alternate Universes logo

Up-To-Date Store Hours, Weekly Schedules, and Tournament Prize Structures

Come to any of our stores and enjoy free open play any time of day, any day of the week! Bring your friends to play some games, or make new friends when you visit! Our stores are outfitted with tables and public restrooms, and are regularly cleaned.

We buy and sell single cards everyday! We are always happy to look at Magic: the Gathering, Yugioh, Pokemon, One Piece, and Lorcana cards that you’d like to sell. Feel free to bring your cards in anytime! If you have a large or particularly valuable collection, please call and make an appointment so we can sit down with you and give your collection proper attention. If you have any questions about whether we’d be interested in buying something, feel free to ask!


We hold weekly tournaments for Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, Flesh and Blood, Digimon, One Piece, Star Wars: Unlimited, Disney Lorcana, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Dragon Ball Super, and more! We also have days set aside for games like Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer 40,000! Join us for Friday Night Magic, and weekly MTG Drafts!

We also hold special events most weekends! Special events are typically larger events, such as Magic Regional Championship Qualifiers or Yugioh Premiere! Events (aka Sneak Peeks) with a larger attendance and often bigger prize payouts. Information on these can be found on their own posts on our website, typically several weeks prior to the event.

Read below for our up-to-date hours, weekly event schedule, and unified prize structures for ALL of our weekly tournaments.


Alternate Universes Holmes

Sunday: Noon to 6:00 PM
Mon – Thurs: Noon to 10:00 PM
Friday: Noon to 11:00 PM
Saturday: Noon to 9:00 PM

Alternate Universes Blue Bell

Sunday: Noon to 6:00 PM
Mon – Thurs: Noon to 10:00 PM
Friday: Noon to 11:00 PM
Saturday: Noon to 9:00 PM

Alternate Universes Wilmington

Sunday: Noon to 6:00 PM
Mon – Thurs: Noon to 10:00 PM
Friday: Noon to 11:00 PM
Saturday: Noon to 8:00 PM


Click the link below for our event calendar and prize structures!
You can filter this by Special Events and by each store’s Weekly Events!
It also includes our unified prize structures for our weekly events!

Event Calendar & Prize Structures

MTG Standard Showdown with Cowboy Bebop Promos – Every Week at Alternate Universes

MTG Standard Showdown at Alternate Universes

MTG Standard Showdown
Every Week at Alternate Universes

MTG Standard Showdown tournaments are every week at Alternate Universes! Starting August 2nd, 2024, Standard Showdown features new promos in the style of Cowboy Bebop! Players who go 3-0 at each Standard Showdown tournament will win a Cowboy Bebop promo in traditional foil! Players also win store credit based on their record after 3 rounds.

Starting in January 2025, one random player at each Standard Showdown tournament will win a Neon Yellow Cavern of Souls, while supplies last! As long as the tournament fires, one lucky player will win, and we only need 4 players to fire!

Aug. 2nd, 2024 – Sept. 19th, 2024: Ossification
Sept. 27th, 2024 – Nov. 7th, 2024: Disdainful Stroke
Nov. 15th, 2024 – Jan. 30th, 2025: Go for the Throat
Feb. 7th, 2025 – March 2nd, 2025: Lightning Strike
April 4th, 2025 – May 29th, 2025: Snakeskin Veil

Alternate Universes Holmes
Every Thursday @ 7 pm

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Every Wednesday @ 7 pm

Alternate Universes Wilmington
Every Monday @ 7 pm

Entry: $10

3 – 0: $40 store credit
2 – 0 – 1: $30 store credit
2 – 1: $20 store credit

Cowboy Bebop MTG Standard Showdown promos

Standard Showdown Cavern of Souls promotion at Alternate Universes


Elestrals Weekly Tournaments – Starting September 2024 at Alternate Universes

Elestrals TCG Weekly Tournaments at Alternate Universes

Elestrals TCG
Weekly Tournaments
Every Monday 7 pm @ AU Holmes
Every Sunday 2 pm @ AU Blue Bell

We’re holding Elestrals TCG weekly tournaments at Alternate Universes starting this September 2024! Join us at AU Holmes every Monday at 7 pm, and at AU Blue Bell every Sunday at 2 pm!

For entering, each player gets a participation Tournament Pack! Players who go 2-1 or better get store credit!

Alternate Universes Holmes
MacDade Plaza
2129 MacDade Blvd
Holmes, PA 19043

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
211 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

Entry: $10

3 – 0: $40 store credit
2 – 0 – 1: $30 store credit
2 – 1: $20 store credit

Grand Archive Weekly Tournaments – Every Tuesday at AU Blue Bell

Grand Archive TCG Weekly Tournaments at AU Blue Bell

Grand Archive TCG
Weekly Tournaments
Every Tuesday 7 pm @ AU Blue Bell

We’re holding Grand Archive TCG weekly tournaments at Alternate Universes Blue Bell every Tuesday at 7 pm!

For entering, each player gets a participation promo pack! Players who go 2-1 or better get store credit!

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Penn Square Shopping Center
211 W. Germantown Pike
East Norriton, PA 19401

*NEW LOCATION starting April 10th*
Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Whitpain Shopping Center
1510 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Entry: $10

Registration opens: 6 pm
Tournament begins: 7 pm

3 – 0: $40 store credit
2 – 0 – 1: $30 store credit
2 – 1: $20 store credit

Star Wars: Unlimited Weekly Tournaments at Alternate Universes

Star Wars: Unlimited Weekly Tournaments at Alternate Universes

Alternate Universes is holding Star Wars: Unlimited weekly tournaments at each store! We will be participating in the Star Wars: Unlimited Organized Play program.

Star Wars: Unlimited is a BRAND NEW trading card game set in the Star Wars universe. As with any burgeoning card game, the best way to make the game a success is to attend your local store’s weekly tournaments, and bring your friends!

These tournaments will share the same format as our other weekly tournaments: they will be 3 rounds maximum, and prizes will be awarded according to players’ Win – Loss record. Players will also get official promos, while supplies last!

Alternate Universes Holmes
Mondays @ 7 pm

Alternate Universes Blue Bell
Wednesdays @ 7 pm

Alternate Universes Wilmington
Thursdays @ 7 pm

Entry: $10 cash / $15 store credit

Format: Swiss, best-of-one matches, 25 minute rounds

3 – 0: $40 store credit
2 – 0 – 1: $30 store credit
2 – 1: $20 store credit

Star Wars: Unlimited Organized Play diagram

Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions Release Info at Alternate Universes

Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions Release Info at Alternate Universes

Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions
Release Raffle Info

Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions release weekend is January 17th-19th. Please read the following info about our release!

As you may know, demand for the upcoming Pokemon set Prismatic Evolutions is extremely high. Due to this, our product allocations have been very low. We want to make sure everyone has a fair chance to get some of the new set, without the need for showing up early or camping out at our store.

Instead of putting out products for sale on launch day, we are raffling off the chance to buy one of the following products at MSRP:

Prismatic Evolutions Elite Trainer Box – MSRP: $49.99 – 10 to raffle at each store (30 total)
Prismatic Evolutions Binder Collection – MSRP: $29.99 – 6 to raffle at each store (18 total)
Prismatic Evolutions Poster Collection – MSRP: $14.99 – 12 to raffle at each store (36 total)
Prismatic Evolutions Tech Sticker Collection MSRP: $14.99 – 12 to raffle at each store (36 total)

This is our entire allocation of Prismatic Evolutions. We won’t have any more until the next product release.

Here is a breakdown of how this will work:

1. Come to your local AU during release weekend, January 17th-19th, and enter our raffle. Each person may enter only once at each store.

2. Raffle winners will be selected on Monday 1/20. Winners will be alerted by email if they have won and which product they are selected to buy.

3. Winners will have until end of day on 1/27 to buy their item. Anything not purchased by that time will be re-raffled!

No Alternate Universes staff are eligible to win this raffle.

Thank you, and good luck!